Performance Mock Up
After the award of the façade package, Summit Facade will provide review of Mock-up shop drawings and will observe the mock-up testing process and document the result.
Review of performance mock-up shop drawing submittals
Performance mock-up test observation report
Shop Drawing Review
After the approval of the mock up specimen, Summit Facade will provide review and documentation of the shop drawings and calculation submittals in accordance to the approved mock up drawings and specification.
Review of shop drawings and structural calculation submittals
Review of material samples and product data submittals
Summit Facade will conduct inspection during façade construction. Summit Facade will document and photograph the process from fabrication, Assembly, Installation and field testing. Summit Facade will provide a report with recommendation.
Factory inspection report
Site inspection report
Test observation report
Supplementary Services
Below is the list of our special services offered upon request.
Façade panel optimization for complex geometry
Design option cost analysis
New material review study
Sizing of façade design alternate options
Alternate option cost analysis
Peer Review